I arrived in downtown Orlando near midnight to check out the Corona Cigar Bar. I don't remember how, but all of the sudden, hanging the carving that night seemed to be the plan. There was a Camacho event the next day, so hang
So there it is. Hopefully the carving will remain there for many years to come. I have to say that parting with the carving was pretty hard. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would since I knew from the start it wasn't meant for my wall. I think when I get home I might have to start some new labels for my personal collection.
Absolutely amazing work Brad. The detail is incredible. I know Dylan and Camacho are thrilled with it.
Wow. Must visit that bar next time I'm in Orlando.
Great carving.
awesome work dude, love it. Which Corona location is this? Not Sand Lake right? That's the one I've been when I visited the US
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